Interferences in Immunological Assays: Causes, Detection, and Prevention

Saber Anouar *

Laboratory of Immunology, University Hospital Mohammed VI, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Cadi Ayad, Marrakech, Morocco.

Rajae Hazim

Laboratory of Immunology, University Hospital Mohammed VI, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Cadi Ayad, Marrakech, Morocco.

Admou Brahim

Laboratory of Immunology, University Hospital Mohammed VI, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Cadi Ayad, Marrakech, Morocco.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Immunological assays are fundamental tools in modern diagnostics, providing indispensable insights vital for clinical decisions and scientific inquiries. However, the reliability of these assays is at times compromised by various interferences, casting doubt on the authenticity of results. This abstract explores the origins, detection methods, and potential solutions concerning interferences in immunological assays.

Various factors, such as cross-reactivity, sample matrix effects, endogenous interferences, and test-specific nuances, can introduce deviations in immunological assessments. Understanding these interference mechanisms is crucial for devising effective countermeasures. A range of approaches, from implementing interference controls and serial dilution analyses to utilizing specific tests susceptible to interference, have been employed for detection. Additionally, advancements in technology have enhanced detection capabilities by introducing tools resistant to interference.

To address anomalies in immunological assays, a comprehensive approach is essential. Implementing rigorous quality standards during assay design and execution is paramount. Furthermore, documenting interference incidents and establishing guidelines for disclosing such occurrences promote transparency in academic and clinical settings. Collaborative efforts involving researchers, assay manufacturers, and regulatory agencies are integral to driving progress and ensuring result accuracy.

This paper emphasizes the importance of identifying, characterizing, and mitigating the diverse interferences present in immunological assays. Tackling the complexities of these interferences and embracing innovative strategies are central to refining the precision and utility of diagnostic immunology.

Keywords: Interferences, immunological tests, cross reactivity, antibody-related interferences, binding proteins, matrix, contrary effect

How to Cite

Anouar, Saber, Rajae Hazim, and Admou Brahim. 2024. “Interferences in Immunological Assays: Causes, Detection, and Prevention”. Asian Journal of Immunology 7 (1):71-78.


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