The Interleukin -2 and Interleukin -4 Response Profiles in Pediatric BCG Vaccinee

Ibrahim M. S. Shnawa *

Department of Medical Biotechology, College of Biotechnology, Al Qasim Green University, Babylon, Iraq and Department of Anesthesia Technology, Hilla Univesity College, Babylon, Iraq.

Tiba A. Karim

Diwanyah Teaching Hospital, ALQadisyah Board of Health, Iraq.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Introduction: BCG childhood vaccination is still in use all over the world.BCG within the continuum of vaccinee childs activate immune cells to produceTH1 and TH2 cytokines The present work was aimed at investigating IL2 and IL4 cytokine responses among BCG pediatric vaccinee and non-vaccinee control in ALDiwanyah child and maternaty hospital-ALQadysiah province/Iraq.During the period Oct 2021-July 2021.

Materials And Methods: The study population was 60 BCG vaccinee child subject and 30 non-vaccinated healthy control subjects. Thirty out of the 60 vaccinated were scar bearing and the other 30 were non-scar bearing.The ELIZA determination of IL2 and IL4 in vaccinated and non-vaccinated child subjects sera were done in accordance with the manufacturer instructions.

Results: The cytokine responses were with marked heterogeneity in both groups of vaccinee. Though the mean concentration of vaccinated child groups were higher than that of control child subjects. There were fractions of both vaccinated groups that shown concentrations lower than the means of vaccinated and mean of control. This finding could be attributed to either of the followings; immune waning effect of age progression, minimal toleragenic potential of BCG epitopes, presence of an immunosuppressive tissue microenvironment. Population IL2 and IL4 responses include; low, moderate and high cytokine responders.

Conclusion: The IL2 and IL4 cytokine responses of BCG vaccinee are being heterogeneic and divergent. The immune herd plots were of Gaussian distribution plot types. A finding is being in line with cytokine herd responses of other microbial diseases in this area.

Keywords: BCG vaccinee, cytokine, Inteluekine -2, heterogeneity, Interluekine -4

How to Cite

Shnawa, Ibrahim M. S., and Tiba A. Karim. 2024. “The Interleukin -2 and Interleukin -4 Response Profiles in Pediatric BCG Vaccinee”. Asian Journal of Immunology 7 (1):31-38.


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