Contribution of the Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition Test in Diagnosing Non–IgE-Mediated Immunoreactivity against Aspergillus fumigatus in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma
Celso Eduardo Olivier *
Instituto Alergoimuno de Americana, Brazil.
Daiana Guedes Pinto
Instituto Alergoimuno de Americana, Brazil.
Ana Paula Monezzi Teixeira
Instituto Alergoimuno de Americana, Brazil.
Jhéssica Letícia Santos Santana
Instituto Alergoimuno de Americana, Brazil.
Raquel Acácia Pereira Gonçalves Santos
Instituto Alergoimuno de Americana, Brazil.
Regiane Patussi Santos Lima
Lavoisier’s laboratories, São Paulo, Brazil.
Everton Salgado Monteiro
Department of Allergy and Immunopathology, Faculty of Medicine, São Paulo University, Brazil.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: To evaluate the potential of the Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition Test (LAIT) to discriminate non–IgE-mediated immunoreactivity against Aspergillus fumigatus in patients with non–IgE-mediated Allergic Rhinitis and/or Asthma.
Study Design: We retrospectively examined the medical charts of 100 patients diagnosed with respiratory allergy with clinical suspicion of non–IgE-mediated fungal hypersensitivity who were investigated with an ex vivo challenge monitored by LAIT against an extract of A. fumigatus.
Place and Duration of Study: Instituto Alergoimuno de Americana – São Paulo – Brazil – between January 2018 and January 2024.
Methodology: The percentage of Leukocyte Adherence Inhibition (LAI) promoted by the ex vivo challenges with A. fumigatus extract was distributed in ranges through a cascade distribution chart to outline the variability of the results.
Results: The LAI ranged from 0% to 90%; the mean was 52%; the median was 55.5%; the standard deviation was 21%; the Mode was 61% (appeared six times), showing a Gaussian Distribution. This extensive distribution of LAI results suggests that some patients had non–IgE-mediated immunoreactivity against A. fumigatus allergens while others did not.
Conclusion: Our preliminary results support that the LAIT performed with A. fumigatus may discriminate diverse degrees of ex vivo immunoreactivity against this airborne allergen in patients suffering from respiratory allergies.
Keywords: Allergy, Aspergillus fumigatus, aspergillosis, asthma, bronchitis, diagnosis, hypersensitivity, leukocyte adherence inhibition test, non–IgE-mediated immunoreactivity, rhinitis
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